Church Pew Ropes
Love it or hate it, it’s everywhere! The color burgundy is commonly accepted as a conservative, classic color...but why? While some may correlate the color with the hilarious movie line “I'm Ron Burgundy?” There has to be a reason that the shade has become such a standard for a variety of things from grandma's old shag carpet to new dark red altar candles for church.
Altar Candles, Royal Robes, Church Pews: Why Burgundy?
When trying to understand colors even if it's something from a dream, the first place one may begin is what the color represents. In burgundy's case, the symbolism is wealth, ambition, and power. The shade may put us in mind of ancient royalty, a childhood memory or whatever caters to each person's own memories and personality. The question remains...why has burgundy become such a popular color not only in the world but particularly in religion? It is prominent throughout churches around the world--down to the church candles and even the candle accessories.

The Practicality Behind the Color
There are functional reasons one may choose to shop around or place orders for products of this color when they are filling their shopping cart with supplies. For example, no one will notice the red wine that was spilled on your burgundy rug--it will be well hidden within the deep red pigment. Maybe the reason is more personal since the dark color can be reminiscent of Christmas and even romance.
Add Sensibility
Perhaps it's a more reasonable choice since it can be a beautiful way to make something look conservative without being plain black and white. It’s muted enough to be appropriate, not overly loud, but can add just enough light color to not be so dull and gray. But with such a strong meaning, this intriguing color must mean more than just a convenient way to add a pop of color to candle wax or hide a splash of high-quality wine.
Religion and The Color Red
Perhaps pew reservation ropes are largely burgundy because red is mentioned in biblical texts and church service as the color of humanity that comes at a price. Not to mention, the deep shade of burgundy is the color of fellowship wine. Pretty big symbols and reasons for the church to gravitate towards the color burgundy.
Burgundy Rope - For Pew Reservation & Church Décor
Soft, durable, and timeless--burgundy rope is the perfect product selection to complement decor and aid in reserving seats. From aisle to altar and even the church Christmas nativity scene, the attractive and ultra soft cordage will be an excellent addition to your Sunday service. There are even those who prefer to use a traditional handfasting ceremony to "tie the knot."
Authentic and Dignified
When you think of what the colors mean to the church it becomes pretty clear why the color is used; the elegant ropes and church candles all around are appropriately burgundy for all the symbolism represented by such a regal color, rich in history and meaning. Burgundy, with its own rights reserved, is not only a color to be used as an accent to please the eye with a strategically placed new candle, it is a color proudly displayed with gratitude, antiquity, and grace.
Ravenox Ropes for Churches
Twisted Cotton Rope in Burgundy
Solid Braid Polypropylene Rope in Burgundy
Solid Braid Polyester Rope in Burgundy
Solid Braid Polyester Rope in Burgundy with White Tracer
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