Ravenox 's Chief Executive Officer Honored for Continued Service to His Community and Our Nation

Volunteer Service
Master Sergeant Sean Brownlee’s volunteerism is exemplary. He is ALWAYS willing to help and actively participates in creating resources for the local area and beyond. He seeks (and finds) ways to improve the status quo. ALWAYS respectful of others, he never asks for thanks...just does the job with a smile on his face. No matter the industry or organization he is willing to offer his time to support his active participation in the community and country. Not to mention, his valiant efforts to make a difference in the lives of his employees.
Working with Sean Brownlee
The leaders at CERV were proud of Sean on his promotion to Master Funnery Sergeant and continue to applaud the Armed Forces for recognizing Sean's service and leadership in the community and the country by awarding him the Marine Corps Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.
*The Ravenox staff thanks Sean for all of his contributions. He is an exceptional leader and distinguished CEO whose life is dedicated to service!*