How to buy the perfect dog leash online

How to buy the perfect dog leash online | Shop Dog Leads

The function of all types of dog leashes is to keep your dog safe and prevent it from injuries, but also to control it in public places and while training.

In addition, leashes are a part of your dog’s daily exercise, be it a mile-long run or just a light walk around the neighborhood. And we all know the benefits from physical activity!

How to Choose the Best Leash for Your Dog

Dog leashes come in different lengths, widths, and materials. With so many options out there, it can be very difficult to choose the best leash.

The type of leash you choose will depend on your dog’s size, breed, and temperament. For instance, small puppies need different leashes than older ones, Bichons need different leashes than Mastiffs, etc.

Choosing the right type of leash can make your puppy feel comfortable and happy. On the contrary, if you go with the wrong type of leash, your beloved pet will be irritated or, even worse, end up injured.

That’s why we’ve composed this guide on different types of dog leashes to help you pick the perfect leash for your dog.

Different Types of Dog Leashes

Standard Dog Leash

These leashes are made of solid, braided materials which give the owner a sense of control. In addition, they can also be made of reflective materials, which makes them perfect for night walks. Standard dog leashes’ length usually ranges from four to eight feet.

Adjustable Dog Leash

Adjustable dog leashes combine control and flexibility, which makes them perfect for both long walks and training. They come in lengths from three to six feet, with clips and loops along their length.

Retractable Dog Leash

Even though retractable leashes offer flexibility, dog experts and trainers warn against their use because they can cause injuries. Unlike standard six-feet leashes, retractable leashes can be very long (more than 25 ft.) and hence prone to entangling. This increases the risk of injuries in both humans and dogs. The injuries can range from minor cuts and scrapes to more serious neck injuries in dogs or hand and finger injuries in humans.

 Different Types of Dog Leashes - Retractable

In addition, these leashes are considered to encourage bad behavior in dogs because they teach them to pull while on leash. The design of retractable leashes is also susceptible to malfunctions due to the presence of springs, whereas the heavy handle can easily be yanked out or dropped.

That’s why retractable dog leashes are recommended only for well-behaved pups.

Different Widths of Dog Leashes

Even though width might not be the first factor you consider when choosing the best leash for your dog, it can make a lot of difference. Whether you choose a thinner or thicker leash will largely depend on the dog’s temperament, size, and breed.

Thin dog leashes

These leashes are perfect for puppies and small dogs since they’re light and don’t impose restrictions in the movement. 

Thick dog leashes

Thick leashes are for bigger and stronger dogs because they allow you to control them more easily. Even if your pup loves to pull or chew its leash, you can rest assured that thick leashes won’t snap under tension.

Different Lengths of Dog Leashes

4 feet - Also Known as a Traffic Lead

These leashes are ideal for cities, especially in areas with heavy traffic because they allow you to keep your dog safe and under control. Four-feet leashes are also perfect for untrained puppies who might easily wander off or get in people’s way on the street. 

How to buy the perfect dog traffic lead online - Shop Ravenox Dog Leashes

6 feet

The most common length for leashes in 6 ft. and for a good reason - this length gives your pup enough freedom to move around and explore without the leash dragging or getting tangled. Perfect for walking in the neighborhood and in zones with lighter traffic.

50 to 150 feet

Also known as long line leashes, dog leads or lead lines, these leashes are ideal for very energetic and curious dogs. They’re also commonly used for distance command training and outdoor activities.

The leash’s length allows you to loop it around a tree so you don’t have to keep running after your super-energetic pet but still spend time together. 

Note: Before you attach the long line leash on your dog, make sure to check the area for possible dangers such as holes or cliffs. If your dog is a chewer, keep an eye so that he doesn’t break the leash and run off.

Different Types of Dog Leashes - Rope Dog Leashes for Small Dogs

Different Dog Leash Materials

The most common materials used in the making of dog leashes are leather, nylon, chain, and cotton rope. 

Leather dog leashes

Leather dog leashes are simple and stylish, ideal for obedient dogs. Since leather is high-quality natural material, these leashes are quite durable, especially if you treat them with special leather conditioners.

Many dog owners prefer leather leashes because they tend to get softer over time and very comfortable. However, this fact makes leather leashes unsuitable for chewers because they can easily break the leash. 

Nylon dog leashes

Nylon is by far the most popular material for dog leashes due to its availability, durability, and inexpensiveness. This material is also quite resistant and for that reason, recommended for wet environments and climates.

Since nylon is a man-made material, these dog leashes come in a great number of patterns and colors so there’s something for everybody. However, nylon is not a very resistant material and can be easily broken after some time of pulling or chewing. Also, nylon leashes can be quite rough and can leave friction burns on your hands over time. 

Chain dog leashes

These leashes are perfect for big, strong dogs, as well as those who have a habit of chewing their leashes. If you’re buying a chain leash for a small puppy, make sure it’s a thin and light chain so that the pup can easily move around without hurting itself. Ravenox offers a soft cotton leash with chain; offering the best of both worlds.

How to buy the perfect dog leash online - Ravenox Chain Dog Leash

Cotton Rope Dog Leash

Even though synthetic (nylon) dog leashes are most popular ones due to their low price and wide selections of colors, there is another, better option for you and your pup - cotton rope dog leashes.

Different Types of Dog Leashes - Cotton Rope Dog Leash Options

These leashes are made from a high-quality 100% twisted cotton rope, which makes them more comfortable for the pet. You don’t have to worry of the cotton leash will feel tight or rough on the dog’s skin, or whether it’ll cause itchiness or scratchiness - your pup will barely know the leash is there! Cotton rope leashes won’t irritate your puppy’s skin or cause its fur to tangle.

Moreover, unlike other leashes which need to be replaced frequently, Ravenox cotton rope dog leashes are made from high-quality upcycled cotton yarns which makes them more durable, and hence, very cost effective. 

Even though these leashes are soft enough to prevent friction burns on your hands, they provide a strong grip, which makes them reliable and suitable for small, medium, and big dogs alike.

Finally, the twisted cotton rope is natural, vegan, and eco-friendly. They also come in a wide variety of colors, color combinations, and patterns, which makes them perfect for stylish dogs and environmentally-conscious pet parents alike!

Purchase Your Dog Leash Online

Buy your next dog leash direct from the manufacturer - Ravenox - and get the size and color both you and your pooch will love!

How to buy the perfect dog leash online - Ravenox Dog Paw

Optional: Make Your Own Dog Leash

If you can't find the size or color dog leash you really want it's always possible to make your own dog leash. Purchase your rope, hardware and all the supplies you need to make your own custom dog leash.

Cordage & Rope Dog Leash Pet

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