Complete view of the 1-inch hemp horse lead with chain, emphasizing its strength and length. (8213506883821)
1-inch hemp horse lead with chain draped over a fence, set against the picturesque backdrop of a Montana horse ranch. (8213506883821)
Side-by-side comparison of 5/8-inch and 1-inch hemp rope horse leads, showcasing the difference in thickness and texture. (8213506883821)
Diagram of hemp horse lead detailing chain specifications, rope diameter, and key features. (8213506883821)
Close-up of the 5/8-inch twisted hemp rope texture, showcasing natural fibers (8213506883821)
Full-length image of the 5/8-inch hemp horse lead with chain highlighting its durability. (8213506883821)
Full-length image of the 5/8-inch hemp horse lead with chain highlighting its durability. (8213506883821)
Zoomed-in shot of the 1-inch hemp rope, revealing the rich texture and weave. (8213506883821)
Clear view of the robust nickel-plated chain and snap link on the 1-inch hemp lead. (8213506883821)
Complete view of the 1-inch hemp horse lead with chain, emphasizing its strength and length. (8213506883821)
1-inch hemp horse lead with chain draped over a fence, set against the picturesque backdrop of a Montana horse ranch. (8213506883821)
Side-by-side comparison of 5/8-inch and 1-inch hemp rope horse leads, showcasing the difference in thickness and texture. (8213506883821)
Diagram of hemp horse lead detailing chain specifications, rope diameter, and key features. (8213506883821)
Thumbnail image for a video titled 'USA's Only Hemp Rope Manufacturer: Ravenox Twisted Hemp Ropes Review & Uses,' showcasing a close-up of the twisted texture of Ravenox hemp ropes with an American flag watermark in the background, symbolizing its domestic production.
Close-up of the 5/8-inch twisted hemp rope texture, showcasing natural fibers (8213506883821)
Full-length image of the 5/8-inch hemp horse lead with chain highlighting its durability. (8213506883821)
Full-length image of the 5/8-inch hemp horse lead with chain highlighting its durability. (8213506883821)
Zoomed-in shot of the 1-inch hemp rope, revealing the rich texture and weave. (8213506883821)
Clear view of the robust nickel-plated chain and snap link on the 1-inch hemp lead. (8213506883821)


$ 44.16 销售 节省
颜色 天然大麻
尺寸 5/8 英寸 x 10 英尺

商品有库存 库存仅剩0 商品缺货 商品不可用

Ravenox 手工扭曲麻马绳带链条

体验我们的 Ravenox 扭曲麻马牵绳的自然奢华和强度,它是可持续性、耐用性和优雅的和谐融合。这款牵引绳采用最优质的大麻纤维制成,经过精心手工组装,确保其经得起时间的考验并满足您的马匹操控需求。

这些马绳总长度长达 10 英尺 - 8 英尺的特殊扭曲麻绳与 2 英尺的镀镍链条和螺栓卡扣相结合。根据您的喜好和马匹同伴的体型,选择 5/8 英寸直径或 1 英寸直径的麻绳。




Ravenox 大麻马绳与马笼头配合使用,具有坚固、耐腐蚀的镀镍链条和螺栓卡扣,可实现安全、无忧的连接和轻松拆卸。


浏览 Ravenox 的多样化产品系列,您会发现一系列同样注重质量的产品,包括狗绳和各种马用品。通过 Ravenox 发挥大麻的强度和可持续性。


每根麻绳马绳均采用 Ravenox 5/8 英寸绞合麻绳制成,长度为 8 英尺。每端均经过手工编织,以提高强度和耐用性,并配有 1 英寸重型镀黄铜螺栓卡扣。



🐴采用重型硬件手工编织:我们的引线由 5/8 英寸和 1 英寸 Ravenox 扭曲麻绳制成,两端手工编织,以提供额外的强度和耐用性。每根引线均配有重型2 英尺镀镍链条和螺栓卡扣,防锈和腐蚀。这些简单易用的按扣可以安全快速地固定在您的缰绳、马鞍和任何其他马具和设备上。


🐴耐候性:麻绳可在所有天气条件下使用 - 即使您喜欢在极冷的气候下遛马。与其他纤维不同,麻绳绳在多种温度下都能很好地工作。发生火灾时,大麻马绳尤为重要。与合成纤维不同,棉铅在极热条件下不存在熔化的风险。

🐴美国手工制作: Ravenox 为生产最高品质的美国制造产品而感到自豪。作为一家家族经营、女性领导、经认证的残疾退伍军人拥有的小型企业,Ravenox 将制造业带回美国。从我们用美国机器制造的麻绳到美国人制造的手工编织的马绳。

Ravenox 麻绳马绳