Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
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Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
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Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)
Handmade Cotton Dog Leash with Chain (4459557486682)


$ 26.92 销售 节省
颜色 黑色的
尺寸 4 英尺

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采用优质 Ravenox 捻棉绳手工制作

Ravenox 扭曲棉绳狗牵引绳肯定是您心爱宠物最喜欢的狗牵引绳。制作过程中不使用有害化学物质或染料,因此安全健康。这些是您所感受过的最柔软的狗绳,同时仍为您提供强大的抓地力。手工鞭打手柄不仅更具吸引力,而且确保耐用性。镀镍链条可用作项圈的替代品 - 非常适合训练您的小狗!


采用 Ravenox #1 最畅销的三股扭棉绳手工制作而成。这些牵引绳在设计时充分考虑了宠物主人和宠物的需求,并与包含它们的硬件相得益彰。手柄和重型镀镍螺栓卡扣保证在训练、散步等过程中为您提供最大的安全性。它们专为户外使用而设计,也可清洗。彩色棉具有抗紫外线功能,始终保持光泽。

Ravenox 很自豪能为您的宠物提供多种物品。请务必查看我们的狗玩具和马产品!



“自由之爪行动”通过教退伍军人和残疾人训练自己的狗并将其认证为服务犬团队,帮助他们恢复生活自由。在我们的网站上购买的每条狗绳,Ravenox 都会向这个令人惊叹的组织捐赠 10% 的收益。


6 英尺长的牵引绳可用作皮带和项圈。



均码适合所有人:使用这款耐用、易于使用的重型狗皮带,享受散步时光并控制您的爱犬。这些狗皮带采用与我们最畅销的马皮带相同的结构。它们的强度足以容纳一匹马,因此保证您的狗保持整齐划一,即使是较大的品种。 6 英尺长的牵引绳可用作皮带和项圈。对于像这样的多才多艺和力量的人来说,训练不会是一个问题。信心就在您的指尖。


耐候性:棉绳可在所有天气条件下使用 - 即使您喜欢在冰冻温度下遛狗。与其他纤维不同,棉绳导线不易受到紫外线损伤,并且在户外工作良好。该皮带可带或不带项圈使用。非常适合转移板条箱、如厕和训练狗狗。皮带给您的狗带来自由,并为您提供完全的控制。镀镍链条和螺栓卡扣也耐腐蚀和生锈。

美国手工制作: Ravenox 为生产最高品质的美国制造产品而感到自豪。作为一家家族经营、女性领导、经认证的残疾退伍军人拥有的小型企业,Ravenox 将制造业带回美国。手工编织的狗绳是在美国制造的。批量购买还是为企业购买?我们意识到有些顾客可能需要购买多只狗。我们可以根据您的大订单需求定制我们的产品。品质保证,退款保证。
