Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
A helicopter, using Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines, hoists a jacuzzi onto the rooftop of a high-rise condominium in Hawaii. The longlines, made from ultra-strong and lightweight HMPE fiber, demonstrate their low-stretch and high-strength capabilities in this demanding lifting operation. The scene captures the practical use of these longlines, highlighting their durability and safety features essential for heavy-lift helicopter operations. (7552156795117)
A helicopter, using Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines, hoists a jacuzzi onto the rooftop of a high-rise condominium in Hawaii. The longlines, made from ultra-strong and lightweight HMPE fiber, demonstrate their low-stretch and high-strength capabilities in this demanding lifting operation. The scene captures the practical use of these longlines, highlighting their durability and safety features essential for heavy-lift helicopter operations. (7552156795117)
Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines Plasma HMPE lightweight helicopter underslung cargo long line wire-rope (7552156795117)
A helicopter, using Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines, hoists a jacuzzi onto the rooftop of a high-rise condominium in Hawaii. The longlines, made from ultra-strong and lightweight HMPE fiber, demonstrate their low-stretch and high-strength capabilities in this demanding lifting operation. The scene captures the practical use of these longlines, highlighting their durability and safety features essential for heavy-lift helicopter operations. (7552156795117)
A helicopter, using Ravenox Synthetic Helicopter Longlines, hoists a jacuzzi onto the rooftop of a high-rise condominium in Hawaii. The longlines, made from ultra-strong and lightweight HMPE fiber, demonstrate their low-stretch and high-strength capabilities in this demanding lifting operation. The scene captures the practical use of these longlines, highlighting their durability and safety features essential for heavy-lift helicopter operations. (7552156795117)


Email us at customerservice@ravenox.com for a quote.

值得信赖且经过现场验证的合成延绳钓。当质量、安全性和耐用性成为您运营的核心时;相信雷文诺斯。 Ravenox 直升机延绳索采用最高品质的材料和技术制成,是一款轻型主力机,适用于轻型、中型和重型直升机悬挂公用事业操作。 Ravenox 延绳钓经过认证,符合制造规格,每个系统均包含符合性证书,并根据 ASTM E-4 标准实践规定的读数进行测试,用于力校准和验证。

Ravenox 使用 12 股 HMPE 纤维打造超高强度、轻型直升机下悬式货物长绳。 HMPE 广泛用于替代需要极低拉伸和高强度的钢丝绳。其耐磨性和耐化学品性是任何其他合成纤维无法比拟的。


  • 全身采用编织聚酯夹克,并涂有 2 部分聚氨酯
  • 可选的带有尼龙搭扣的 Cordura 夹克允许拆卸以进行线路检查
  • 拉链袖保护器
  • 留出空间,可将 3 线电缆穿过护套并向下延伸至旋转接头
  • 高品质顶针环端
  • 标记为制造、日期和工作负荷限制

HMPE 绳索的优点和特点

  • HMPE 是所有可用绳索中拉伸度最低的
  • 低蠕变
  • 手感柔软
  • 无扭矩
  • 轻松拼接
  • 在水中呈中性浮力
  • 选择尺寸的 12 股 HMPE 绳索已获得 ABS 和 DNV 型式认证

12 股是目前强度最高的合成绳。 12 股由高模量聚乙烯 (HMPE) 制成,经过重结晶工艺增强。

12 股标准交付时采用聚氨酯表面处理,可使用简单的锁缝型接头、4-3-2 或 5-4-3 折缝接头轻松拼接。它采用柔软、无扭矩的编织结构,易于操作。

阅读这篇关于 HMPE 绳索 并发现更多。

    技术表 - 12 股

    标称直径(毫米) 标称直径(在)


    大约重量磅/100 英尺

    大约重量 kg / 100m


    拼接绳最小拉伸强度 MT(吨)

    ISO 未拼接绳索最小拉伸强度(磅)

    ISO 未拼接钢丝绳最小拉伸强度 MT(吨)

    1毫米 0.04" 0.12" 0.05 0.1 270 0.1 300 0.13
    1.25毫米 0.05" 0.15" 0.07 0.1 390 0.2 第430章 0.20
    1.5毫米 0.06" 0.18" 0.1 0.1 第475章 0.2 第525章 0.23
    1.75毫米 0.07" 0.21" 0.14 0.2 750 0.3 第830章 0.38
    2.5毫米 0.1" 0.3" 0.27 0.4 1,400 0.6 1,550 人 0.7
    3毫米 1/8" 3/8" 0.54 0.8 2,800 1.3 3,100 1.4
    5毫米 3/16" 9/16" 1.12 1.7 5,500 人 2.5 6,100 2.8
    6毫米 1/4" 3/4" 1.6 2.4 8,000 3.6 8,890 4.0
    8毫米 5/16" 15/16" 2.5 3.7 11,700 5.3 13,000 5.9
    9毫米 3/8" 1-1/8" 3.7 5.5 17,500 7.9 19,400 8.8
    11毫米 7/16" 1-1/4" 4.2 6.3 21,000 9.5 23,400 10.6
    12毫米 1/2" 1-1/2" 6.4 9.5 31,300 14.2 34,800 15.8
    14毫米 9/16" 1-3/4" 7.9 11.8 37,900 17.2 42,100 19.1
    16毫米 5/8" 2英寸 10.6 15.8 51,400 23.3 57,100 25.9
    18毫米 3/4" 2-1/4" 13.3 19.8 68,500 31.1 76,300 34.6
    20毫米 13/16" 2-1/2" 15.9 23.7 74,000 33.6 82,200 37.2
    22毫米 7/8" 2-3/4" 19.6 29.2 92,600 42.0 102,900 46.7
    24毫米 1" 3英寸 23.4 34.8 110,000 49.9 122,100 55.4
    26毫米 1-1/16" 3-1/4" 27.5 40.9 129,200 58.6 143,500 65.1
    28毫米 1-1/8" 3-1/2" 31.9 47.5 147,000 66.7 163,300 74.1
    30毫米 1-1/4" 3-3/4" 36.2 53.9 165,000 74.9 183,300 83.1
    32毫米 1-5/16" 4英寸 41.7 62.1 196,000 88.9 217,800 98.8
    36毫米 1-1/2" 4-1/2" 51.7 76.9 221,000 100.3 245,500 111.3

    Ravenox Plasma 12 股重型起重绳索