Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)
Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)
Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)
Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)
Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)
Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)
Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)
Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)
Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)
Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House (4327849459802)


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Ravenox Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird House

Made from Western Red Cedar with a Poly-Tuff™ roof this Ravenox Bluebird house is built to last and provide years of joy watching nesting Bluebirds. The slotted entrance allows for more light to enter the cavity which deters Sparrows and other nest invaders due to the amount of light in the nesting area. The Sparrow Resistant Wooden Bluebird house features a wooden nesting tray perfect for Bluebirds, hatchlings, fledglings. This classic and protective house is our Bluebirds favorite birdhouse to call home!

The Sparrow-Resistant Bluebird house is great for Sparrow Infested Areas!

Materials: The Ravenox Sparrow-Resistant Wooden Bluebird House is made of Western Red Cedarwood. The Poly-Tuff™ roof makes this house durable and weather-resistant. 

Features: The Cedarwood is lightweight and built to last with a protective Poly-Tuff™ roof for greater exterior quality. Inside the cavity, this birdhouse features wooden nesting trays for a safe and comfortable living space for Bluebirds and their young. This sparrow-resistant birdhouse is unpainted and included in the purchase of this house is the hanging bolt and nut. 

Extras: Protect Bluebirds in their favorite birdhouse with the Ravenox Predator Pole Guard. Ravenox has many options for birdhouses and for areas with a large population of sparrows, this is the best!