VETS 335 Aramid Mooring Lines - 4 Strand - Ravenox - USN United States Navy (7041142145)
Ravenox-hmpe-navy-mooring-line-VETS-335 United States Navy guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge DDG 96 (7041142145)
Ravenox-hmpe-navy-mooring-line-VETS-335 Securing a Ship to a Pier (7041142145)
Ravenox-hmpe-navy-mooring-line-VETS-335 United States Navy (7041142145)
VETS 335 Aramid Mooring Lines - 4 Strand - Ravenox - USN United States Navy (7041142145)
VETS 335 Aramid Mooring Lines - 4 Strand - Ravenox - USN United States Navy (7041142145)
Ravenox-hmpe-navy-mooring-line-VETS-335 United States Navy guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge DDG 96 (7041142145)
Ravenox-hmpe-navy-mooring-line-VETS-335 Securing a Ship to a Pier (7041142145)
Ravenox-hmpe-navy-mooring-line-VETS-335 United States Navy (7041142145)
VETS 335 Aramid Mooring Lines - 4 Strand - Ravenox - USN United States Navy (7041142145)

VETS 335 HMPE 系泊缆 - 4 股

Email us at for a quote.

The VETS 335 is a four-strand, right regular lay constructed rope. Each strand consists of a load-bearing Spectra 1000 core. The core is protected from abrasion by a non-load bearing, braided polyester, and DuPontª Kevlar¨ jacket.

Spectra floats and is pound for pound ten times stronger than steel. The VETS 335 has a designed safety performance factor specifically to reduce "recoil". The VETS 335 is an excellent alternative to steel in Heavy Marine applications.

The strand jackets on the VETS 276 are all polyester, the VETS 335 have an aramid polyester mix to better accommodate non-slip decks. The VETS 335 also has a strand construction that allows for a single strand to fail in a way that it does not snap back in the event of a failure.

U.S. Navy VETS 335 System:

Length:200' eye-to-eye

Eyes: Soft, 6' each

Chafe gear: Both eyes and moveable chafe on body

VETS 335 Aramid Mooring Lines - 4 Strand - Ravenox - USN United States Navy
Part Number Minimum Break Strength (lbs.) Nominal Diameter (inches) Approx. Weight (lb./100 ft.) 
335-1 80,000 1-1/16" 32
335-3 140,000 1-1/2" 54
335-4 180,000 1-3/4" 55
335-5 230,000 2" 82
335-6 300,000 2-1/4" 97
335-7 360,000 2-3/8" 120
335-8 405,000 2-5/8" 159
335-9 510,000 2-3/4" 169
335-10 660,000 3-1/4" 205
*When requesting a quote please specify the following:

Product Name

VETS 335-1

VETS 335-3

VETS 335-4

VETS 335-5

VETS 335-6

VETS 335-7

VETS 335-8

VETS 335-9

VETS 335-10

Quantity Length

Eye to Eye or End to End

Eye Size

Eye 1:

Eye 2:

Chafe Gear in Eyes

Eye 1: Yes or No

Eye 2: Yes or No

Any Additional Specifications